A healthy pregnancy
From the moment you are pregnant, and even before that, it is extra important to live a healthy life. Your baby's health starts in the womb. That is where the foundation is laid for later.
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Folic Acid & Vitamin D
Folic acid plays a role in the production of red blood cells in the body. In early pregnancy, it also plays a role in preventing neural tube defects in an unborn child. Examples of neural tube defects are; an open back, cleft lip, open palate or an open skull.
Folic acid is vitamin B11. This vitamin is found in bananas, oranges, legumes, yeast, milk and green leafy vegetables. The advice is to eat in addition to healthy food one every day supplement with 0.4 mg folic acid for four weeks before to eight weeks after conception. Eight weeks after conception corresponds to week 10 of the pregnancy. The tablets are available without a prescription at the drugstore or pharmacy.
Vitamin D
During the pregnancy it is recommended to take a daily supplement with 10 micrograms vitamin D. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium from food. During pregnancy, we determine the level of vitamin D via blood tests, so that you may have to supplement extra if it is too low.
Healthy food
It is important to eat a healthy and varied diet.
If you suffer from nausea, it is sometimes more difficult to eat a varied diet. In any case, try to eat healthy. In case of nausea, it can help to eat small amounts more often a day. Also, don't forget to have breakfast before you get up. And possibly eat something before going to sleep.
There is no need to eat “for two” during pregnancy. You don't have to feed two adults. Pregnancy does require some extra energy, but because you usually move less, you also use less. You will also gain weight more easily during pregnancy. Normal amounts of food is fine. You will also get enough nutrients.
There are also a number of things that are not recommended to eat during pregnancy. The nutrition center provides up-to-date information about what I can and can't eat.'
Certain medications can be harmful during pregnancy. If you are taking or have used medication before you became pregnant (up to 4 weeks before conception), we recommend you to discuss this with the person who prescribed the medication and with us.
Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs
Smoking and the use of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy are not recommended. This is related to the risks of smoking and the risks of using alcohol and drugs. If you have trouble quitting smoking or abstaining from alcohol and drugs, we will take the time during the consultation to discuss this and see how we can help you with this.
To move
When you are pregnant it is important to keep moving. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, such as walking, cycling or swimming.
If you already exercised before pregnancy, you can, in most cases, continue doing this during pregnancy. A good condition of your body is to your advantage during your pregnancy and during childbirth. stay listen to your body while exercising. It is normal to take a step back during the pregnancy. If you're a If you practice contact sports, such as hockey or volleyball, we recommend that you look for an alternative sport during pregnancy or follow a targeted pregnancy course. See the heading courses for this.