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About Us

Anne Rose, 
Danielle van Rhee- Menkveld &

Rose of Tilborg

After working several years in the region we decided to start our own practice. The first of june 2019 we opened our doors and are happy to welcome young parents and care for them with our own vision.


Anne Roos

Anne graduated as a midwife in 2008  in Rotterdam.  After 2 years of working with great pleasure in the Netherlands, the adventure took off to work as a midwife in Sint Maarten.
In 2015 she had a daughter
  Mare and in 2019 a son Sietse.


Focusing on the pregnant women with a personal approach is important in addition to expertise. Except  midwife Anne is also an ultrasound technician. This ensures that  ultrasounds can also be made during the shift and consultation hours,  which is an added value within our profession.  


'With my experience as a midwife and mother, I have noticed that a small-scale practice with customized care appeals to me.'  

Before she started with Veldroos Midwives, Anne had

worked at the following practices;

Femme Amsterdam, Vitae in Soest, Neeltje in Veendam, Mundo Midwives The Hague and the Sint Maarten Medical Center

Danielle van Rhee-Menkveld

After finishing het education nursering in 2011 she followed her dream of becoming a midwife. In 2015 she started ans worked for several practices in the region of Amersfoort.


'To center the wishes of the pregnant mother and her partner is what I think key in the care we provide. With starting this practice with Anne I made the first step to achieve that goal.' 


Danielle is married with Daan, mother of Pepijn (2016) and Noor (2018), she lives in Amersfoort.


Danielle worked at,

Luna in Leusden, Geboortecentrum Baarn, Aandelaak in Hoevelaken, Verloskundigenpraktijk Zeist. 


Rose of Tilborg

After finishing het education nursering in 2011 she followed her dream of becoming a midwife. In 2015 she started ans worked for several practices in the region of Amersfoort.


'To center the wishes of the pregnant mother and her partner is what I think key in the care we provide. With starting this practice with Anne I made the first step to achieve that goal.' 


At the moment Roos is enjoying her maternity leave.




  Dorine will join our team from January. She graduated in Belgium in 2021. Four years earlier, she decided to follow her passion in addition to her job as a project manager and to start studying again. Now that she has completed her studies, Veldroos is the place for her to expand her experience as a midwife within the Dutch setting.

'Wherever I go, I see again and again; how incredibly powerful the woman is! I would like to walk with you on your path to birth and parenthood. Where there is sufficient space for wishes and ideals that make you and your experience your own.'


Dorine is the mother of three children, Amayah ('00), Lasse ('07) and Louie ('21). Her youngest was born as a 'Veldroosje'!



Dorine ten Doeschot

Willemijn Robbers


Willemijn Robbers is ons team komen versterken per augustus 2023


Willemijn is sinds 2015 met veel plezier werkzaam als verloskundige.

In 2022 is zij vanuit de randstad naar de omgeving van Baarn verhuisd.  Naast werkzaamheden als verloskundige is Willemijn ook trainer bij Mom en co en draagdoekconsulent. 

In 2021 is ze moeder geworden van een dochter, Madeleine. 

Willemijn is in 2015 afgestudeerd en heeft meerdere jaren gewerkt als verloskundige, o.a. bij Amsterdam Zuid, als klinisch verloskundige in het LUMC en bij de Aanvang in Hilversum. 



Amber Schoonewelle


Amber is begin 2023 begonnen met haar stage bij Veldroos.

In augustus is ze afgestudeerd en klaar om bij Veldroos aan de slag te gaan! Amber zal tijdens het verlof van Danielle werkzaam zijn en mogelijk langer blijven tijdens de zomer van 2024. 


“Voor mij draait zwangerschap en geboorte om persoonlijke keuze en de vrijheid hebben om de weg naar ouderschap te kiezen die het beste bij je/jullie past. Tijdens mijn stage bij Veldroos vond ik hierin aansluiting en heb ik deze visie kunnen verbreden. Vol enthousiasme begeleid ik jullie graag in deze mooie reis.”

Amber heeft, voor ze in 2023 is afgestudeerd, verschillende stages gelopen, o.a. bij Geboortecentrum Baarn. Ze heeft ervoor meerdere jaren gewerkt als assistente bij een huisartsenpraktijk.. 



Foto Website Veldroos Amber.JPG
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Loes Woldringh

Loes is our Assistent. After moving from Amsterdam to Baarn she started to work for our practice since September 2020.


She will answer the phone in the mornings and will help you to reschedule your appointment. 


Loes has four Children;

Teddy (2015), Otto (2017), Doortje (2019) and Arthur (2020).



Juliette Heeneman-Lendering 


Juliette is onze praktijkondersteuner.

Op maandag, woensdag en vrijdag werkt ze in de praktijk, neemt ze de vaste telefoon op en verzorgt de bloedafname.


Juliette heeft gewerkt als voedingsdeskundige en woont met haar man en twee dochters in Baarn.

Jade Lily (2017) & Gila (2019)



More information


We aim to center the wishes of our clients. Through time and attention we want to provide kwality and personal care. We feel that it is very important that mothers are feeling comfortable and rely on our care.

We will be there for you when you need us the most, 24/7!



Anne and Danielle are both registered in the BIG (Beroepen Individuele Gezondheidszorg) a Dutch organisation.

Our registration numbers are:

Anne Roos 89910229303

Danielle van Rhee- Menkveld 09914979703


Feedback & What to do with complaints?

Inform us about your complaint
It is important that you feel safe and heard. As being pregnant is already exiting enough. Do you have questions? Doubts? Are you unhappy with our care? Please inform us as soon as possible. We can try to talk about it and to make the situation better. It could be misunderstanding or miscommunication. Or maybe offer our apology and discuss what works better. Please let us know so we can plan extra time so we can discuss it. You can always bring someone if that helps you.


Contact the complaints officer
Do you want to know more about what to do with your complaint? Or discuss this with someone else? In that case you can contact the complaints officer, they are impartial. And everything you discuss is confidential.

You can contact the officer via


In case it does not work with the complaints officer you can contact the dispute authority Midwifery (in Dutch; geschilleninstantie). This impartial authority will look furhter into the complaint and will judge. For more information you can visit

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